Wednesday 2 March 2011

50 Followers/Blogiversary Celebration

Thanks to everyone whose found my blog recently and decided to become a follower - its been very exciting logging on each day and watching the numbers grow :-)

I hope you'll stick with me and that I continue to write things that interest you all.

I just checked before going to bed and realised I've made my 50 target, so as promised, its time for a random draw to give away by blog candy.

   (sorry - I'm having problems getting the random thing to stay showing the result - the number drawn at random was 26)

Drum roll please....

and the winner is  Jo-Jo Scraps !

drop me an email with your postal address and I'll get your candy in the post.  I'll give you a week to claim your prize, if the prize isn't claimed, by midnight on Tuesday 8th March (GMT time) then I'll redraw the prize.

Keep an eye out as I may well do it again once I hit triple digits as it's been too exciting to stop now!

Thanks for playing

                          Craftilicious x


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