Tuesday 5 April 2011

Supporting Rescue Dogs

My friend has a couple of great dogs, one of which was a rescue, and she asked me if I could make her another set of notelets like the ones I made for her birthday for an auction her friend is running this week.  Her dog was so sad when she got him, but now he is so happy having been rescued, so how could I refuse.

So while I was in mega-stamping mode on Saturday, I made a set of 6 whippet notelet cards in their own custom designed box which I secured with butchers twine and a button.  I also made 4 individual birthday cards, all with a doggy theme.  I hope they raise a few pounds in the auction.

 Thanks for stopping by.
                                    Craftilicious  x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Tara!!! They are fab. Visit Sighthounds online to see our fantastic auction, in aid of Northern Greyhound Rescue, which begins tomorrow evening at 8pm. (7th April to 17th April 2001).

    See: http://www.sighthoundsonline.org.uk/forums/index.php?showforum=81

    Thanks again, Claire


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